About Me

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Born: Toccoa, GA. Raised: Internationally. Married to the best woman ever, Amanda! 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys). My parents are missionaries, and I was raised mostly in Guinea and Ivory Coast, West Africa. I personally came to know Jesus Christ at a very young age, when He saved me from my sins by His own death on the cross. He has been teaching me to love God and others since then.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mark 6:16-20

I suppose that in America today, we have a hard time understanding passages like this. With our Bill of Rights and our understanding of what it means to be civilized, these soldiers seem to be completely out of line. They act like brutes! Isn't it enough that Jesus has been beaten up throughout the night, unjustly sentenced to death on a cross, and flogged? Is the mockery really necessary? Is the crown of thorns even authorized? Beating Him on the head with a staff? Spitting on Him? Where were the human rights activists, fighting for a decent treatment of Jesus prior to His crucifixion?


We need to understand that, in many parts of the world, condemned criminals are not considered to have rights. They are totally despised, worthy of contemptible treatment. Maybe treating Jesus like He was worthless helped the soldiers to work up the nerve to crucify a man. Who knows? But this is perfectly understandable for human activity. Don't we, don't I, find it extremely easy to mock people in my mind? I begin to despise people for the most unimportant reasons: perceived stupidity, lack of "class", too much TV time, dirty or ugly appearances. As though I am a paragon of excellence in all these areas. Instead of realizing that we're all equal, we try to classify ourselves in the hope that we will look good in our own eyes and to others, too. And when we look down on others, we find it very easy to mistreat them. In today's world, that mistreatment can range from neglect to abuse. These soldiers were not so different from us. Their behavior just displays that they needed a Savior, too.


Father, help me as I read such horrible things. Help me to remember that these horrors flow from people who have the same nature I had before You redeemed me, the same nature I still struggle to subdue by Your power and Spirit. Keep me humble. Keep me horrified at sin – not just at the sin of others, but at my sin which led to Jesus' death. May I not regard Your grace lightly. Instead, I come to You in complete awareness that I deserve to die. You would be completely in the right if You destroyed me and all of humanity. We are despicable in our pride and selfishness. Forgive me. Forgive us. Thank You for the display of Your love – Jesus on the cross – a display sent while we were still sinners. Thank You! Thank You! You are glorious in Your grace, in Your mercy, in Your faithfulness!


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