About Me

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Born: Toccoa, GA. Raised: Internationally. Married to the best woman ever, Amanda! 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys). My parents are missionaries, and I was raised mostly in Guinea and Ivory Coast, West Africa. I personally came to know Jesus Christ at a very young age, when He saved me from my sins by His own death on the cross. He has been teaching me to love God and others since then.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Mark 15:42-47 - Joseph of Arimathea

This is the first time we've heard of Joseph, but his faithfulness and love for Jesus are evident. He gathers up his courage and approaches Pilate to ask for Jesus' body.


My understanding is that Pilate was not very sympathetic toward the Jews. On this day he might have been especially miffed, having crucified a man he knew to be innocent. I suppose Pilate could have been glad to see someone coming to care for Jesus' body, but even the fact that Pilate had Jesus crucified tells us that he's not really a respecter of human life – even innocent human life. Approaching Pilate – especially a disturbed Pilate – took courage.


Pilate had to make sure that Jesus was dead, but once the centurion had confirmed this, he granted Jesus' body to Joseph. Joseph had to hurry because it was Preparation Day and he needed to finish his work with Jesus' body before it was too late in the evening. He bought a linen cloth, wrapped Jesus' body in it, and put Jesus' body in a tomb cut out of the rock. To secure and protect the body, Joseph rolled a large stone in front of the tomb's entrance. Mary Magdalene and another Mary saw where Jesus' body was laid.


It all seems simple enough. But given the events of the prior 24 hours, this was anything but simple. Joseph was caring for the body of a man who had been condemned by the high priests and the whole Sanhedrin. He was caring for the body of a man who had been condemned to death on a cross by the Roman authorities. And to do this, he had to approach the very authorities who had condemned Jesus to death, showing himself to be someone who loved and identified with this condemned man. Joseph was not family. He wasn't even one of the twelve closest disciples. But Joseph loved Jesus enough to identify with Him after he had been condemned to death, when there was no chance in his mind that Jesus could reward him or return his gesture of love.


Today, we know that Jesus has risen from the dead! We know that He will reward those who follow Him – for sure. Yet we still struggle at times to identify ourselves with our wonderful Jesus. How can this be? Father, strengthen our love! Strengthen my love for my Lord, Jesus Christ!


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