About Me

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Born: Toccoa, GA. Raised: Internationally. Married to the best woman ever, Amanda! 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys). My parents are missionaries, and I was raised mostly in Guinea and Ivory Coast, West Africa. I personally came to know Jesus Christ at a very young age, when He saved me from my sins by His own death on the cross. He has been teaching me to love God and others since then.

Friday, October 12, 2007

John 1:6-13

John's introduction to his gospel shifts slightly here from a focus on the light to a focus on John (the Baptist). The first thing to know about John is that he was a man sent from God. He came as a witness to point people toward the light, that all might believe through him. John could recognize the light, the life. John, sent from God, could recognize God. What John says about the light is something we should all learn from; that is why he was sent from God. John was there to point to the light, and the light was coming into the world.


And then the light was in the world. The world had been made through the light, who was the Word. But the world did not know the light. John (the author) had noted earlier that the darkness did not receive the light, so now we see that the world is in darkness; the world does not know the light. Even though the world belonged to the Word – the light, the life, God – the world did not receive the Word.


And yet some did, apparently. Or at least, some would receive the Word. Because John writes that the Word, the light, gave the right to become God's children to as many people as received Him. It was not their right because they received Him. It was not their right because they trusted in His name. They did not earn the right to become God's children by receiving Him. It was their right because, having received the Word and trusted in His name, He gave them the right. He had the authority to withhold that right from them. But in His authority, He gave to those who received Him the right to become children of God. All who receive the Word are therefore very blessed! They have the right to become children of God!


How are they made children of God? John makes it clear that this birth has nothing to do with man's activity or will. Man cannot choose to be born of God. God must produce His own children. All that man can do is to receive the light, the Word, the God who gives life. But God gives life. Man never earns life by his own choices. But God graciously gives life to those who receive the light.


Again, I am reminded that "the world did not receive Him." This is maddening! Confusing! Frustrating! How can we reject the Word? How can we reject the One who has life? How can we reject our Creator, our God? Father, be gracious toward Your Creation! Continue to offer Your grace! Open our eyes so that we can see the light and no longer walk in darkness, please! May those whose eyes are open let Your light shine before men! May Your name be praised!


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