About Me

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Born: Toccoa, GA. Raised: Internationally. Married to the best woman ever, Amanda! 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys). My parents are missionaries, and I was raised mostly in Guinea and Ivory Coast, West Africa. I personally came to know Jesus Christ at a very young age, when He saved me from my sins by His own death on the cross. He has been teaching me to love God and others since then.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Planned Generosity

ALL – Psalm 40:1-10
ALL – Proverbs 22:1
OT – Job 16:1-19:29
NT – 1 Corinthians 16:1-24

Interesting passage for the day: On every Lord’s Day each of you should put aside something from what you have earned during the week, and use it for this offering. The amount depends on how much the Lord has helped you earn. Don’t wait until I get there and then try to collect it all at once. – 1 Corinthians 16:2, The Living Bible

Thought: Have you ever noticed that the New Testament seems to be much more interested in the heart of a giver than in the act of giving?

Don’t get me wrong. Jesus and the apostles definitely talk about giving. But they want us to give because we are givers. They want our actions to flow from our nature.

With that said, someone whose nature is generous will want to give, and someone who wants to give will want to consider making plans to give. The Corinthians had said that they would collect money to give to Christians in Jerusalem. So Paul talked with them about their plans. If they wanted to give substantially and helpfully, they would have to make plans and follow them. Paul urged them not to plan on a last-minute scramble to give. Instead, he encouraged them to give what they could each and every week until the gift was ready to be sent.

Too many of us are not generous. We want to hold on to as much of our money as possible. So we find other ways to justify ourselves as givers (when we can never justify ourselves—only Christ makes it so that we can get out of God’s courtroom safely). We spend our money quickly, so that “we just don’t have anything left to give this week.” Or we give a couple bucks each week or month, not giving generously because “the church doesn’t need my money.” Some of us claim, “I’m tithing my time instead”—which is ironic. Assuming that we’re awake 112 hours a week, you would expect to see us giving at least 11 hours each week to specifically kingdom-building activities, which rarely happens. It’s also ironic because none of the time we’re tithing ever seems to be money-earning time; that’s our time, not God’s.

Lord, may we recognize all that You’ve given us, repent of our selfishness, give ourselves entirely to You, and be transformed into generous people who scheme up ways to give even more.

Question: I’m convinced that I need to grow in generosity. Do you? What are some creative ways that we could extend our generosity?

To review the Bible reading plan options, please visit http://tinyurl.com/yj2o7jz.

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