About Me

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Born: Toccoa, GA. Raised: Internationally. Married to the best woman ever, Amanda! 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys). My parents are missionaries, and I was raised mostly in Guinea and Ivory Coast, West Africa. I personally came to know Jesus Christ at a very young age, when He saved me from my sins by His own death on the cross. He has been teaching me to love God and others since then.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

I'm back. Finally...

It's on my heart to start blogging again. And I was pleasantly surprised to see, when I came back to my blog here at Three-Quarter Tank, that people keep looking at what I wrote in the past. Somehow, even though I haven't posted a thing for years, I now have over 18,000 page-views. It's kind of awesome to know that, just by leaving my thoughts online, people have been getting Scriptural encouragement even while I've been unable to get back into the habit and discipline of posting!

For those who haven't read my blogs before, that's mostly what I write about -- God's words. I hope that my thoughts encourage you to dig into God's words in God's Word with me.

Now that I'm back, I'll also be blogging about two or three other themes in my life: ministry, family, and business. I'll try to keep most of the blog focused on what it's focused on all along, though -- God's own words.

Here's why I'm adding the others:
  • Ministry -- I have a vision on my heart to see unchurched believers return to Jesus' church, and to see unbelievers meet Jesus and join his church. So I'll be inviting you into that vision and passion.
  • Family -- This will probably end up on here the least, but I think one of the great gifts God has given us is family. Family is worth celebrating, and family is worth fighting for -- even when sometimes fighting for family feels like fighting with family. So some of that may come through in my blogging. I want to be genuine and real, but I also want to protect my family from embarrassment and insecurity, so... we'll see how this actually works out. 
  • Business -- I now own and operate a business, Harner Global. Why would I blog about it? Because of my ministry passion. Yes, I know, I'll have to connect the dots between the two of those for you, so here goes: I love to work, and I believe in doing high quality work that provides value to people. On the other hand, my biggest passions are people themselves. I love to help people in tangible ways, whether they know Jesus or not. And I also love to help them meet Jesus. So I have launched a business because I believe that I can grow it over time to the point where it frees me to devote more of my time to people directly. On this blog, probably about once a week, I will highlight the great quality of various products I sell online. And let me simply say, I sell quality products with a 180-day Money Back Guarantee. Because I care about people. So I don't sell junk. If you're interested in visiting my retail website, visit www.HarnerGlobal.com. But yes, that's my dream. I want to grow a business that frees me to fund ministry -- my own ministry and, as it keeps growing, the ministries of others, too.  
With all that said, to start things off, I preached a sermon on Mother's Day: The Proverbs 31 Husband. If you'd like to listen to it, there's a link right here:


I'm looking forward to walking with you again as we follow Jesus down the road together. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're doing this again and will be following as much as possible. And not just because I'm you're mom, but because you have some great thoughts about the Word and life.